The Holistic Sleep Mama

Better sleep, for the whole family.

Let’s change the way we view and support sleep and behaviour.

Hello and welcome.

My name is Charlotte and I am the human behind The Holistic Sleep Mama and this is the smaller one, who made this all happen.

For more about me, my background and why I became a sleep coach, hop straight over here.

I strongly believe that sleep is rarely linear and every infant/child is so wonderfully unique, yet so many sleep ‘techniques’ remain one size fits all. There are a multitude of factors to be considered when exploring your family’s individual sleep situation. Consider me your guide in promoting normal infant and child sleep, empowering you as a caregiver to make decisions and changes that you are comfortable with and are a good fit for your child and your family.

P.S Did you know I also offer support with understanding a child’s behaviour? Check out my packages page for more details.


My Approach

Find out more about my approach to infant and child sleep and how I support and empower families. I work will children between the ages of 0 - 17.


Packages of Support

Are you considering seeking support with your baby or child’s sleep? Here’s how I can help.

Bespoke Support for Schools and Nurseries.

I welcome enquiries from schools and nurseries. Support may include but is not limited to: staff training, written guidance for parents, workshops for students, workshops for parents.

Get in touch today to see how I may be able to help.

What are other parents and caregivers saying?

“I reached out to Charlotte after struggling with my 18 month old”s sleep his entire life. I couldn’t be more grateful for the help and advice I received. Everything was so gentle and I wasn’t made to feel like it was down to something had done wrong. It was so obvious how much time and effort she put into helping us, taking on board everything I said and putting mine and my child’s needs first. I would absolutely recommend The Holistic Sleep Mama for any sleep questions or queries you have because she has genuinely made such a massive difference to my life! ”

— Mum to “R” aged 18 months.

Charlotte is an amazing support and really helped our family when we felt like we were dealing with a sleep crisis. My son was about 17months when I first contacted Charlotte. Just before speaking to her I was advised by another sleep coach to ‘gently’ let my baby cry it out and in two weeks he would be sleeping better, as would I and my husband. She also told me my attachment to my baby wasn’t healthy and that I should see a psychologist for postpartum depression after a half an hour consultation. Luckily for me I knew this was awful practice (as hurtful as her comments were.) When I contacted Charlotte I was so relieved by her supportive nature and that she worked holistically as my son has been through a lot in his first year, and I felt like there was a lot to be addressed to help his sleep. It also bolstered my trust in her that she had a background based in psychology. Charlotte is actually educated, qualified and experienced in her field as opposed to many sleep consultants you can find online. My son is sleeping so much better with some gentle tweaks and is becoming more and more independent in his sleeping too. We cosleep for now as that is what we want, but Charlotte is supporting us to gently make the transition to independent sleeping in his own room. I highly recommend Charlotte if you are struggling with your little ones sleep.

- Mum to “O” age 20 months.

“I am so grateful to Charlotte for simply normalising my 6 month old baby boy’s sleep - there’s so much out there telling you what your baby ‘should or shouldn't’ be doing and it’s easy to panic about not getting it right but I feel so at ease knowing that responding to his needs and following my instinct is the best thing I can be doing. Everyone is less stressed thanks to Charlotte’s gentle tips, advice and reassurance. Thank you so much”.

- Mum to “N” age 6 months.

I contacted Charlotte in the middle of a total sleep crisis. Our 11 month old had never been a good sleeper, but her sleep was getting worse rather than better, and we had been having to settle her every 40 - 60 minutes for all her naps, and all night for months. My husband and I were at breaking point and my mental health was really suffering.

Charlotte was so incredibly helpful - she was kind, thoughtful, and incredibly supportive. She reassured me that we weren't doing anything wrong, and that our daughter wasn't broken - but also that this wasn't normal behaviour. She gave us a list of suggestions to work through to find out what the underlying problem was, and we've since discovered that our daughter has a cows' milk protein allergy, something that had previously been dismissed by doctors, given the lack of other symptoms.

We've now cut out dairy under the supervision of our GP, and the sleep is incomparable to just a few weeks ago. Our daughter is now waking once or twice at night - sometimes sleeping through the night! - and not waking at all during her naps. It's not an exaggeration to say that Charlotte has saved us. I'd urge anyone looking for help with their child's sleep to contact Charlotte ASAP - I just wish we'd done it sooner.

- Mum to “C” age 10 months.

Guides and Webinars (COMING SOON)

Not quite looking for 1:1 support? I’ve got you covered. You can find details of webinars that you can book onto and guides you can purchase. Got questions? No problem, I’m happy to talk you through more details of what the above includes before you make your choice.