Consultations and Prices



Email consultation £50

Don’t have time to schedule a videocall? No problem! Fill in a some detailed intake forms and sleep diary, sent it over to me and I will analyse. I’ll then send over an email summary of my thoughts and some next steps/recommendations. You then have one follow up email to ask me any questions.


Solution Focussed Consultation £100

A Solution Focussed Consultation is a great option if you have specific sleep queries or challenges and you’re feeling a bit stuck. You may be looking for some reassurance that what you're experiencing is normal and some practical sleep advice to take forward. You might have a goal to work towards and need some support with next steps. Or you may be in a sleep crisis and need help to make immediate changes.

Includes: a pre-consultation questionnaire and other intake forms, 7 day sleep diary. Then, either:

A 30 minute video or phone call to discuss and offer advice/next steps or some general Q&A time! You then take some time to try some initial recommendations and use the remaining 30 minutes to check in at a time that is convenient for you. After the second consultation, you will recieve the full summary and plan to take forward.


A full 60 minute video or phone call to discuss and offer advice/next steps or some general Q&A time!

With either option, you will receive a detailed summary and analysis, as well as my recommendations/next steps.

 You also get two follow up emails for further questions/queries or reviewing progress.