My Approach

“One day, I hope all new mothers will smile confidently and say, "I gave birth to a baby, not just a digestive system. My baby has a brain that needs to learn trust and a heart that needs love. I will meet all of my baby's needs, emotional, mental, and physical, and I'll respond to every cry because crying is communication, not manipulation”

— L.R. Knost

I do not believe in sleep training or any methods that withhold response or come under the umbrella term of “controlled crying.” I am open and honest about normal infant sleep and work collaboratively to optimise sleep in ways that nurture the caregiver-infant dyad. All of my advice and recommendations are respectful of the vulnerability of exhausted and confused caregivers.

My support holds the Mother, who then in turn, can better hold the needs of her baby.

What I do believe in:

  • Nurturing and supporting a caregiver’s instinct to respond to their infant.

  • Building secure attachments and relationships through connection, comfort and reciprocity.

  • Empowering families with up to date knowledge and confidence to make informed and comfortable decisions.

  • Co-sleeping where safe and able to do so.

  • Protecting the breast/chest feeding relationship.

  • Supporting the development of the brain and nervous system.

  • Viewing sleep as multifactorial and holistic.



Will I have to give up night feeds?

I usually do not recommend completely night weaning before the age of 1. Contrary to popular ‘belief’, your baby is not waking deliberately or purposefully because you are feeding during the night. Often, night weaning before you and baby are ready can mean sleep gets a little trickier. Also, starting solids isn’t a guarantee for improved sleep.

Will there be crying involved?

I will never recommend any method that involves purposefully leaving your child to cry alone or ignoring their cries for any given time/intervals. Unfortunately, change is never easy for anybody so there is likely to be some crying involved. However, there is a stark and important difference between an infant/child crying alone and an infant/child crying in the arms of a loving and comforting caregiver. If you are worried about this, please do get in touch for some reassurance and clarity before booking support.

What makes you different as a sleep coach?

I have a strong background in child development and hold two degrees (BSc and MSc in Psychology). I am passionate about brain and emotional development and have experience supporting schools, families and children/adolescents with understanding behaviour, building relationships and supporting emotion regulation. I am qualified to the highest qualification in sleep coaching with The Holistic Sleep Coaching Programme (OCN Level 6).

I’m considering seeking support but not sure where to start.

Due to being an unregulated industry, it can be difficult to navigate the sleep coach world as a caregiver. There are lots of us out there offering different things for different prices. If you have more questions before booking, just get in touch to see if I am a good fit for your family.